Travel Fanboy

This is the Best Bar in Vegas

I know you probably have a favorite Vegas bar that is super awesome and serves awesome drinks with awesome bartenders in an awesome atmosphere. It may be somewhat blasphemous to confidently call something the “best”. I do, sincerely, want to know your opinion, but just humor me for a bit as I declare Chandelier Bar the absolute best bar in Las Vegas.

With three levels each boasting its own list of specialty cocktails, the variety of libations and lounge space alone would make Chandelier a top contender on any list. But it’s level one that makes it the quintessential Vegas bar.

It’s here where you can experience the best that Vegas has to offer in one spot. When I go to Vegas, my agenda is filled with only a few specific desires: I want to have good drinks, gamble a little bit, and take in the exciting atmosphere. Level one at Chandelier allows me to do all three.

Video poker fans can get their fix at one of the machines set in the bar. Non-players parking themselves in one of the highly coveted seats is one of my biggest Vegas annoyances. Keep it moving, folks, I have an itch to scratch. Yes, the Cosmo bars use ticketing system for drinks for players on their bar top machines, but I’ve found they spit out at a fair pace.

And about those tickets which get you those drinks. Well, they’re damn good. The service here is top notch and the mixologists know what they’re doing. My advice is to go off book and tell them what spirit and flavor profile you like. They’ll make you a drink worth every penny of that paper ticket. Some menu items may, naturally, cost more than what is allowed to be redeemed with a drink ticket. If you make it known you’re cashing one in, they’ll be sure the ticket is redeemable for the custom creation.

What brings this all together is the infectious and exciting atmosphere of the Cosmo. While certain table games, depending on the time, may fall outside my comfortable range of play, I can still be in the center of the action at Chandelier. We all know that all walks of life peruse Vegas. Cosmo is no exception. Chandelier gives you prime placement for some of the best people watching around.

It’s a beautiful bar often surrounded by beautiful people. While the drinks on the menu may be a bit steep, vp play offers a great value proposition for the cocktail inclined. And that’s what Vegas is all about- finding a place you like and maximizing its value.

So, please, don’t go to Chandelier Bar. I love it and don’t want any trouble finding a spot when I head back there.

Travel Fanboy

Adam is the editor of and Beyond being the world's most famous travel influencer, he's passionate about reckless points and miles pursuits. Formerly of Vegas Fanboy fame.

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